Thursday, 22 November 2012

Cut Out Animation

Cut Out Animation

Cut out animation in a form of animation using paper, stiff fabric or any flat material, it is animated on a flat surface. It uses a different cut-out for almost every joint in the character, with a cut out background.

The Adventures Of Prince Achmed
The Adventures Of Prince Achmed is a 1926 German fairy-tale, using cut out animation by Lotte Reiniger. It is dont using silhouettes this is useful because you can cover up holes, and it make the models you create look more smooth and like one joined thing. She also animated it using frame by frame pictures, rather than live a live action animation, like puppets.


RiRi is a 2007 independent japanese animation by Miyuki Hosotani, it is very artistic and the scenes are aesthetically nice. 

This is very artistic and detailed compared to Lotte's animation. Which has very little detail because all of the models are silhouettes, however the style of animation is the same.

My Cut Out Animation

For our animation we will have a girl sat on a plane moving her leg, but she will have a dogs head that turns to the left and back.
These are the cut-outs we will use.

My finished project

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Model Based Animation

Model based animation is animation done with the use of models, for example clay.
You model the clay to a shape of your liking and make a scene out off it.

Wallace & Gromit
Perhaps the most famous model animation is Wallace & Gromit, it is well known classic clay animation, there are over 100s of different pieces modelled and kept then changed during the shooting,
 for the making of the movie, there was 43 Gromits, and required the use of 2.8 tonnes of plastercine.

This is my animation, i chose to re-enact Godzilla. 

Usually before making your own Clay animation, you need to plan your story, and once you have decided on your story, you begin to create your models, making them as skillfully and detailed as possible, then you find the correct camera angle to best show your shot, for example i shot in the angle that didn't show the wires holding up my Godzilla model.